
You don't need Rownd

We get it. You’re a 10x engineer.
You have a top-notch team that understands authentication and security. You can probably just build the authentication features they want right into your product.

If this is you, here are a few things to think through as you plan your build.

Step 1: Reinventing the Wheel

Why settle for industry-standard authentication protocols and best practices? Building your own authentication service allows you to reinvent the wheel, proving to the world that your genius ideas far surpass decades of collective knowledge in the field. Who cares about security vulnerabilities and potential data breaches? The thrill of debugging cryptic authentication issues is unparalleled!

Step 2: Overwhelming Complexity

Forget about focusing on your core product or application. By developing your own authentication service, you'll get to deal with complex challenges like verifying passkeys, handling token expiration, and managing session states. Who wouldn't want to spend precious hours wrestling with these intricacies instead of working on features that might actually benefit users?

Step 3: Scalability Schmality

Why rely on the scalability and reliability of well-tested authentication services when you can stress-test your homegrown solution in a real-world environment? Sure, your service might buckle under pressure, but think of the valuable experience you'll gain as you frantically try to optimize database queries and squash performance bottlenecks. Plus, nothing says "10x engineer" like late-night firefighting sessions!

Step 4: Customizability Chaos

Why settle for an authentication service that can be configured with a few clicks when you can build your own and customize every little detail to your heart's content? Imagine the joy of explaining to your team why user accounts are inexplicably locked out or why certain authentication methods only work on full moons. Flexibility is overrated anyway!

Step 5: The Joy of Maintenance

Gone are the days of enjoying a peaceful weekend. With your very own authentication service, you'll be on call 24/7, ready to tackle any unexpected issues that arise. Who needs work-life balance when you can constantly battle bugs, vulnerabilities, and evolving security threats? The feeling of impending doom is truly invigorating.

Use Rownd

Instead of spending months building something that has to be maintained forever, Rownd can get you up and running in hours or days. Not only that, but our only job is to continue to iterate and build the world’s greatest contextual auth solution, so every day, week, and month you get new features, fixes, and updates. 

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What our customers are saying

“Rownd saved us tens of thousand of dollars and always delivered. It was a delight working with the Rownd team.”
"Rownd is by far our most valuable service. Our company would never be where it is today without them."
"With the flexibility of Rownd’s dynamic authentication, we’ve created the most accessible onboarding experience in web3."
"I can't believe it. I can't believe the improvement from install and sign up. It was 40% on a good day, now it is over 77%."
"We have a very particular ... Rownd was able to accommodate that flow and make it a smooth experience for our users."
“Rownd radically simplified our mobile app onboarding process to the point where we just need to get traffic to our website and the rest took care of itself.”
"Implementing other forms of authentication can take up a lot of time, so utilizing Rownd has helped us streamline that process."
"Rownd is instrumental in bridging the gaps between onboarding speed, security, and privacy"
“Rownd saved us tens of thousand of dollars and always delivered. It was a delight working with the Rownd team.”
"Rownd is by far our most valuable service. Our company would never be where it is today without them."
"With the flexibility of Rownd’s dynamic authentication, we’ve created the most accessible onboarding experience in web3."
"I can't believe it. I can't believe the improvement from install and sign up. It was 40% on a good day, now it is over 77%."
"We have a very particular ... Rownd was able to accommodate that flow and make it a smooth experience for our users."
“Rownd radically simplified our mobile app onboarding process to the point where we just need to get traffic to our website and the rest took care of itself.”
"Implementing other forms of authentication can take up a lot of time, so utilizing Rownd has helped us streamline that process."
"Rownd is instrumental in bridging the gaps between onboarding speed, security, and privacy"

Get started today

Unlock the power of Rownd, and watch your user base soar. Try for free, chat with experts, or explore our docs today.