
Finance, banking, and fintech

In the financial and banking industry, where security and trust are paramount, Rownd offers a robust, opinionated authentication solution that seamlessly integrates with your existing systems. The Rownd platform is designed to reduce risk and enhance security, providing a frictionless experience that increases customer adoption.

By combining advanced security measures with deep system integrations, Rownd empowers financial institutions to protect sensitive data while driving customer engagement and loyalty in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

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“It was a delight working with the Rownd team.  They made our app work inside of a complex regulatory environment”.

- Simon, CEO, MasRefund (Tax app)

Powerful integrations

Rownd integrates with leading risk and identity tools used by the banking and finance industry to reduce account take-over risk while keeping login flows simple. Rownd saves hundreds of development hours and reduces risk for no additional cost.

Email verification
Digital verification
Fraud defence
Phone verification
Fingerprint. JS
Fraud and bot mitigation
SSO for government
Multi-factor for government

Challenges for the finance industry

Integrating new risk tools into authentication processes

In the finance industry, integrating new risk management tools into existing authentication systems presents a significant challenge. The complexity of aligning these tools with legacy authentication protocols, while ensuring compliance and security, can lead to lengthy deployment times and increased operational costs. Financial institutions require solutions that enable seamless integration, allowing for swift and secure enhancements to authentication processes without disrupting existing workflows.

Low onboarding rates due to complex authentication

Many financial institutions face challenges with low onboarding rates, often due to cumbersome and overly complex authentication processes. Stringent security measures, while necessary, can create friction for new users, leading to higher abandonment rates during sign-up. Achieving the right balance between robust security and a streamlined, user-friendly authentication experience is essential for improving onboarding success and increasing customer adoption.


Passwordless, infinitely customizable, gradual onboarding

In the highly regulated world of finance, balancing security, risk management, and seamless user experiences is critical, and Rownd emerges as a dynamic and adaptive solution to meet these demands. Financial institutions, whether they're global banks or innovative fintech platforms, face the dual challenge of ensuring airtight security and compliance while providing a frictionless digital experience for their clients. Rownd's passwordless authentication system, integrated with adaptive and phased onboarding, offers a breakthrough approach. Users can access services instantly, with the flexibility to complete their profiles progressively, striking the perfect balance between stringent security measures and user convenience.

Financial brands operate in a landscape where regulatory compliance and risk mitigation are non-negotiable, yet they must also focus on optimizing customer onboarding rates. Rownd’s customizable authentication journey is designed to address these complexities. It dynamically adjusts to evolving risk profiles, ensuring that security measures are robust without compromising user experience. Whether it’s a bank needing to enforce strict compliance during sign-up or an investment platform looking to reduce friction while maintaining high security, Rownd adapts to meet these needs. By leveraging Rownd's automated and adaptive features, financial institutions can continually refine their digital interactions, achieving a delicate balance between rigorous security protocols and efficient customer onboarding, ultimately fostering trust and driving growth in a competitive market.

Adaptive Authentication

Change sign-up methods based on device.

Rownd remembers a user's last sign-in method.

Customize sign-up vs. sign-in.


2x time to install

Easier than anything on the market to install and see immediate impact.

Increased security

Passwordless and secure to protect you and your users data.

"The Rownd team takes customer success to a new level. They go above and beyond to help us solve problems and create the best possible user experience."

- DJ Brown, CEO, Dropt

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