
Amazing Privacy Experience

Personal Data Center

Upgrade your privacy experience

Regulations, customers, and industry standards are rapidly changing as privacy becomes top of mind. Give your customers the power to control their own data. Personal data requests cost $150 each (on average). Save time and money, while providing a great experience.

100% self service

Data privacy laws and regulations give individuals—like you—the right to view and manage their personal data, regardless of business model. Give it to them for free.

Plug and play

The Rownd Data Privacy Platform is easy to configure and enable. Start sending data to Rownd in seconds.

Personal Data Center

Revocable consent

Revokable consent is the right for a user to revoke access to a piece of personal information at any time.  Counter-intuitively, the easier it is for an individual to revoke access to their information, the more likely they are to share it.

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Coming soon

Privacy Dashboards

Simple, low-code privacy dashboards that can be added to any website to quickly show your customers that you have empathy for their privacy needs. A great privacy experience starts with transparency and amazing design.


Why focus on privacy experience?

Build trust
A vast majority of consumers do not trust businesses with their data. New regualtions are focused on required opt-in instead of opt-out.  To win the opt-in, you'll need to be trustworthy.
Save Money
Data privacy regulations have huge fines and penalties and short term mitigation measures, like hiring lawyers and consultants, cost even more. Save money and increase your customer experience through a thoughtful data privacy experience strategy.
Save Time
Each personal data request takes time away from engineering. Every data privacy feature takes time away from your business. Most companies have offloaded signup and checkout, now its time to offload the privacy experience.